Semiconductor Design and Fabrication Systems Laboratory

Prof. Chun-Hung Liu (劉俊宏)
Current Position:
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taipei University
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
Contact Information:
Phone: 886-2-8674-1111 ext. 68806
Email: chliuzzh@mail.ntpu.edu.tw
Office Hours: Tuesday 10:10-12:00 (By email appointment)
Academic Expertise:
Nano-lithography for Integrated Circuits, Semiconductor Design Automation, Advanced Semiconductor Processes and Systems, High-precision Opto-mechatronics, and Automated Control Systems.
Courses Offered:
EUV Lithography Technology in Advanced Integrated Circuit Manufacturing (EMI), Computational Lithography Technology for Integrated Circuit Manufacturing (EMI), Advanced Mask Technology in Semiconductor IC Manufacturing (EMI), Microelectronics, Electrical Circuits, Semiconductor and Optoelectronic Devices, Electrical Systems and Applications, Control Systems, Signals and Systems, Energy Management, General Physics.
Professional Experience:
Assistant Professor, National Taipei University, February 2023 - Present
Assistant Professor, National Taitung University, September 2019 - January 2023
Principal Engineer, TSMC R&D (Taiwan/USA), December 2013 - August 2019
Postdoctoral Researcher, TSMC-NTU Joint Research Center, August 2013 - November 2013
International Journals: (SCI, EI):
Chun-Hung Liu*, Ze-An Ding, “Geometry-based Curvilinear Mask Process Correction for Enhanced Pattern Fidelity, Contrast, and Manufacturability,” IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Volume: 38, Issue: 1, 36 - 47, Feb. 2025 (SCIE) (IF=2.3, Q2, JIF-JCR @2023)
Chun-Hung Liu*, Ze-An Ding, Shun-Ping Wang, “Shape-based proximity effect correction method for throughput, fidelity, and contrast enhancement of electron-beam writer,” Applied Physics Express, Volume 16, Number 1, 011001, Jan. 2023 (SCI) (IF=2.3, Q3, JIF-JCR@2023)
Chun-Hung Liu*, Hsiang-Yi Hsieh, “Low-voltage electron scattering in advanced extreme ultraviolet masks,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 61, Number 8, 081002, Aug. 2022 (SCI) (IF=1.5, Q3, JIF-JCR@2023)
Chien-Lin Lee, Sheng-Wei Chien, Kuen-Yu Tsai*, Chun-Hung Liu, “Investigation on helium ion beam lithography with proximity effect correction,” Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology, Volume 20, Number 3, 033201, Jul. 2021 (SCI) (SCI, IF=1.5, Q3, JIF-JCR@2023)
Hsuan-Ping Lee, Sheng-Yung Chen, Chun-Hung Liu, Ding-Qi, Yu-Tian Shen, and Kuen-Yu Tsai*, “Design of an electron-optical system with a ball-tip emission source through a numerical optimization method for high-throughput electron-beam–direct-write lithography,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 54, Number 6S1, 06FD01, May 2015 (SCI) (IF=1.5, Q3, JIF-JCR@2023)
Chun-Hung Liu, Philip C. W. Ng, Yu-Tian Shen, Sheng-Wei Chien, and Kuen-Yu Tsai*, “Impacts of point spread function accuracy on patterning prediction and proximity effect correction in low-voltage electron-beam-direct-write lithography,” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B (Top 20 Most Downloaded Articles, Feb. 2013), Volume 31, Issue 2, 021605, Feb. 2013 (SCI) (IF=1.5, Q3, JIF-JCR@2023)
Hoi-Tou Ng, Yu-Tian Shen, Sheng-Yung Chen, Chun-Hung Liu, Philip C. W. Ng, and Kuen-Yu Tsai*, “New method of optimizing writing parameters in electron beam lithography systems for throughput improvement considering patterning fidelity constraints,” Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, Volume 11, Number 3, 033007, Sept. 2012 (SCI) (IF=1.5, Q3, JIF-JCR@2023)
Chun-Hung Liu, Hoi-Tou Ng, and Kuen-Yu Tsai*, “New parametric point spread function calibration methodology for improving the accuracy of patterning prediction in electron-beam lithography,” Journal of Micro-Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, Volume 11, Number 1, 013009, Mar. 2012 (SCI) (IF=1.5, Q3, JIF-JCR@2023)
Sheng-Yung Chen, Hoi-Tou Ng, Shiau-Yi Ma, Hsing-Hong Chen, Chun-Hung Liu, and Kuen-Yu Tsai*, “Lithography-patterning-fidelity-aware electron-optical system design optimization,” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Volume 29, Number 6, 06FD04, Dec. 2011 (SCI) (IF=1.5, Q3, JIF-JCR@2023)
Sheng-Yung Chen, Kuen-Yu Tsai*, Philip C. W. Ng, Hoi-Tou Ng, Chun-Hung Liu, Yu-Tian Shen, Chieh-Hsiung Kuan, Yung-Yaw Chen, Yi-Hung Kuo, Cheng-Ju Wu, and Jia-Yush Yen, “In-situ beam drift detection using a two-dimensional electron beam position monitoring system for multiple-electron-beam–direct-write lithography,” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Volume 29, Number 4, 041607, Aug. 2011 (SCI) (IF=1.5, Q3, JIF-JCR@2023)
H. Y. Chen and C. H. Liu, “Hybrid GPS/GSM Positioning Systems Design with Fuzzy Logic”, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol.12, No.3, pp.254-262, 2008. (SCI) [SCI, IF= 0.508, Artificial Intelligence 230/269 =85% (Q4), Scopus]
H. Y. Chen, C. H. Liu, and T. Y. Chou, “Fuzzy Logic with Applications to Hybrid GPS/GSM Positioning System Design”, Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation, Vol. 40, No.1, pp. 11-20, 2008. (EI)
Domestic Journals (TW):
Chun-Hung Liu, Shun-Pin Yeh, Yu-Chien Wang, Wei-Lin Lai, Shang-Chi Shen, Ze-An Ding, Li-Ming Chu*, “Design of Reinforcement Learning Controller for Quadcopter in Flight Environment with Random Disturbance,” Green Science&Technology Journal (ISSN: 2223-6961), Volume 13, Number 1, pp.45-54, May, 2023
International Conference Papers:
Chun-Hung Liu*, Yen-Hua Tu, Cheng-En Wu, Chia-Han Chou, Ze-An Ding, Yun-Chin Li, Yu-Lin Chung, Sheng-Kai Wong, Yu-Tang Sun, Yu-Jun Zhong, Shuen-Ping Wang, “An innovative computational method for accelerating the calculation of parametric point spread function in electron beam lithography,” The 36th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2023), 17A-3-2, (oral presentation), Sapporo, Japan, Nov. 2023
Chun-Hung Liu*, Ze-An Ding, “A novel point-based MPC method for enhancing patterning performance in high-NA EUV ILT-curvilinear masks,” The 36th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2023), 17P-1-5, (poster presentation), Sapporo, Japan, Nov. 2023
Chun-Hung Liu*, Yu-Lin Chung, Sheng-Kai Wong, Yu-Tang Sun, Ze-An Ding, Yu-Jun Zhong, Yen-Hua Tu, Cheng-En Wu, Chia-Han Chou, Yun-Chin Li, Shuen-Ping Wang, “A surrounding-aware segment method to enhance computing performance in curvilinear mask process correction,” The 36th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2023), 17P-1-6, (poster presentation), Sapporo, Japan, Nov. 2023
Chun-Hung Liu*, Ze-An Ding, and Kuen-Yu Tsai, “A new model-based MPC for high-NA EUV mask imaging contrast enhancement,” The 35th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2022), 11P-4-5, (online oral-poster presentation), Tokushima, Japan, Nov. 2022
Chun-Hung Liu*, Shuen-Ping Wang, Ze-An Ding, Hsiang-Yi Hsieh, Yun-Chin Li, Chieh-Sheng Lee, AiLing Chang, Yi-Xuan Chen, Yung-Hsiang Chang, Yo-Sheng Tung, Bo-Wei Tsai, Chen-Kai Wen, Wei-Lun Lin, and Kai-Jun Weng, “A method to improve the pattern fidelity of parametric point spread function for High-NA EUV mask,” The 35th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2022), 11P-4-7, (online oral-poster presentation), Tokushima, Japan, Nov. 2022
Chun-Hung Liu*, Wei-Lin Lai, Shang-Chi Shen, Shun-Pin Yeh, Po-Cheng Wu, Yu-Chien Wang, and Guan-Yu Luo, “Impact of control strategies on altitude control in indoor quadcopter,” 2022 IET International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applications (IET ICETA 2022), 5416, (poster presentation), Changhua, Taiwan, Oct. 2022
Chun-Hung Liu*, Hsing-Yi Hsieh, Yun-Chin Li, Chieh-Sheng Lee, Ze-An Ding, Ai-Ling Chang, Yi-Xuan Chen, Yung-Hsiang Chang, Wei-Yung Hsu, Shuen-Ping Wang, and Kuan-Fu Huang, “A new parametric point spread function at low keV for next generation EUV mask proximity modeling and correction,” The 65th International Conference on Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication (EIPBN 2022), PR-1, (online poster), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, May. 2022
Chun-Hung Liu*, Hsiang-Yi Hsieh, Kuen-Yu Tsai, Shuen-Ping Wang, Kuan-Fu Huang, Wei-Yung Hsu, Fei-Ming Huang, Chih-Chiang Wu, Yun-Chin Li, Chieh-Sheng Lee, Po-Cheng Wu, Ze-An Ding, Yung-Hsiang Chang, Ai-Ling Chang, Yi-Xuan Chen, Fu-Chu Hsu, “Impact of electron scattering in EUV mask absorber materials,” The 47th edition on the Micro and Nano Engineering Conference (MNE2021), PA3, (online poster), Turin, Italy, Sep. 2021
Chun-Hung Liu*, Hsiang-Yi Hsieh, Chieh-Yu Mao, Shuen-Ping Wang, Kuan-Fu Huang, Fei-Ming Huang, Wei-Yung Hsi, Chih-Chiang Wu, Fu-Chu Hsu, Kuen-Yu Tsai, “Electron scattering investigation on advanced ArF and EUV masks with Monte Carlo method,” The 33th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2020), 2020-12-1 (online oral presentation), Osaka, Japan, Nov. 2020
Chun-Hung Liu*, Shih-Ming Chang, Chia-Hua Chang, Wen Lo, Hsin-Wei Wu, Chien-Cheng Chen, Alex Chen, Shuo-Yen Chou, Ru-Gun Liu, “Mask lithographic performance investigation with computational Monte-Carlo method on advanced mask patterning,” Advanced Lithography 2018 -- Proc. SPIE Vol. 10584, Novel Patterning Technologies 2018, 105841E, San Jose, California, USA, March 2018
Chien-Lin Lee, Sheng-Wei Chien, Sheng-Yung Chen, Chun-Hung Liu, Kuen-Yu Tsai*, Jia-Han Li, Bor-Yuan Shew, Chit-Sung Hong, Chao-Te Lee, “Fabrication of metrology test structures with helium ion beam direct write,” (Invited Talk) The 1st ZEISS Helium Ion Microscopy Summit, Beijing, China, Sept. 2017
Chien-Lin Lee, Sheng-Wei Chien, Sheng-Yung Chen, Chun-Hung Liu, Kuen-Yu Tsai*, Jia-Han Li, Bor-Yuan Shew, Chit-Sung Hong, Chao-Te Lee, “Fabrication of metrology test structures with helium ion beam direct write,” Advanced Lithography 2017 -- Proc. SPIE Vol. 10145, Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XXXI, 1014519, San Jose, California, USA, Feb. 2017
Hao-Yun Yu, Chun-Hung Liu, Yu-Tian Shen, Hsuan-Ping Lee, and Kuen-Yu Tsai*, “Improvement in electron-beam lithography throughput by exploiting relaxed patterning fidelity requirements with directed self-assembly,” Advanced Lithography 2014 -- Proc. SPIE Vol. 9049, Alternative Lithographic Technologies VI, 90492C, San Jose, California, USA, Feb. 2014
Yi-Yeh Yang, Hsuan-Ping Lee, Chun-Hung Liu, Hao-Yun Yu, Kuen-Yu Tsai*, Jia-Han Li, “Direct-scatterometry-enabled PEC model calibration with two-dimensional layouts,” Advanced Lithography 2014 -- Proc. SPIE Vol. 9050, Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XXVIII, 905032, San Jose, California, USA, Feb. 2014
Chih-Yu Chen, Philip C. W. Ng, Chun-Hung Liu, Yu-Tian Shen, Kuen-Yu Tsai*, Jia-Han Li, Jason J. Shieh, and Alek C. Chen, “Direct-scatterometry-enabled optical-proximity-correction-model calibration,” Advanced Lithography 2013 -- Proc. SPIE Vol. 8681, Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XXVII, 86810U, San Jose, California, USA, Feb. 2013
Yu-Tian Shen, Chun-Hung Liu, Chih-Yu Chen, Hoi-Tou Ng, Kuen-Yu Tsai*, Fu-Ming Wang, Chieh-Hsiung Kuan, Yen-Min Lee, Hsin-Hung Cheng, Jia-Han Li, and Alek C. Chen, “Electron-beam proximity effect model calibration for fabricating scatterometry calibration samples,” Advanced Lithography 2012 -- Proc. SPIE Vol. 8324, Metrology, Inspection, and Process Control for Microlithography XXVI, 83242K, San Jose, California, USA, Feb. 2012
Chun-Hung Liu, Philip Ng, Yu-Tian Shen, Hoi-Tou Ng, and Kuen-Yu Tsai*, “Impacts of point spread function calibration methods on model-based proximity effect correction for electron-beam-direct-write lithography,” The 54th International Conference on Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication, P2-17, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, Jun. 2010
Chun-Hung Liu, Pei-Lin Tien, Philip C. W. Ng, Yu-Tian Shen, and Kuen-Yu Tsai*, “Model-based proximity effect correction for electron-beam direct-write lithography,” Advanced Lithography 2010 -- Proc. SPIE 7637, 76371V, San Jose, California, USA, Feb. 2010
Hoi-Tou Ng, Chun-Hung Liu, Hsing-Hong Chen, Kuen-Yu Tsai*, “Determination of Gaussian beam and raster scan parameters in electron-beam-direct-write lithography considering device patterning and performance variability,” Lithography Asia 2009, 7520-99, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 2009
Chun-Hung Liu, Hoi-Tou Ng, Kuen-Yu Tsai*, “A new parametric proximity effect model calibration method for improving accuracy of post-lithography patterning prediction in sub-32-nm half-pitch low-voltage electron beam direct-write lithography,” The 53th International Conference on Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication 2009, P-1F-17, Marco Island, Florida, USA, May 2009
Hoi-Tou Ng, Chun-Hung Liu, Hsing-Hong Chen, Kuen-Yu Tsai*, “Selection of Gaussian-beam and raster-scan parameters in electron-beam direct-write lithography considering device patterning and performance variability,” Advanced Lithography 2009, 7271-22 (oral presentation), San Jose, California, USA, Feb. 2009
Chun-Hung Liu, Hoi-Tou Ng, Philip C. W. Ng, Kuen-Yu Tsai*, Shy-Jay Lin, and Jeng-Horng Chen, “A novel curve-fitting procedure for determining proximity effect parameters in electron beam lithography,” Lithography Asia 2008 -- Proc. SPIE Vol. 7140, 71401I (oral presentation), Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 2008
Chun-Hung Liu, Yea-Chin Yeh, Kuen-Yu Tsai*, Jia-Yush Yen, Arthur Tay, Jyh-Fa Lee, “Feedback Control of Piezo-Based Nanopositioning Systems for Semiconductor Manufacturing,” IFAC Workshop on Advanced Process Control for Semiconductor Manufacturing (oral presentation), Singapore, Dec. 2006
Yea-Chin Yeh, Chun-Hung Liu, Kuen-Yu Tsai*, Yu-Chen Kung, Jia-Yush Yen, and Jyh-Fa Lee, “Identifications of the PZT Actuated Novel Optical Scanning System,” IFAC Workshop on Advanced Process Control for Semiconductor Manufacturing (oral presentation), Singapore, Dec. 2006
Chen, Hsin-Yuan*, Liu, Chun-Hung and Ching-Ta Yu, “An Error Study on The GPS-Based Navigation,”AIAA Conference on Navigation , Guidance and Control (oral presentation), USA.2005
Chen, Hsin-Yuan*, Ching-Ta Yu and Liu, Chun-Hung “Neuro-Fuzzy Control Design with Robustness and Applications to Mobile Systems”, AIAA Conference on Navigation , Guidance and Control, USA.2005
Domestic Conference Papers (TW):
劉俊宏*、葉舜斌、王昱健、賴威霖、沈尚錡、駱冠宇、朱力民* “Analysis of Various Control Strategies for Indoor Quadcopter Applications,” 2023 Conference of Research and Development in Technology Education (2023 CRDTE), N059, (Oral presentation), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, April 29, 2023
劉俊宏*、賴威霖、沈尚錡、吳柏城、葉舜斌、王昱健 “混合式ZN-Fuzzy PID控制器調整策略並應用於四軸飛行器之精密姿態控制,” Conference on Precision Machinery and Manufacturing Technology 2022 (PMMT 2022), A009, Pingtung, Taiwan, May 21-22, 2022
劉俊宏*、許馥竹、曾元彤、陳亭瑜、梁劭謙、沈尚錡、賴威霖、葉舜斌、王昱健、謝祥意 “四軸無人機之控制器設計與姿態模擬,” The Information Technology and Applications Conference 2021 (ITAC 2021), Sec. A, pp 112, Taipei, Taiwan, May 27, 2021
Chen, Hsin-Yuan*, Liu, Chun-Hung and Ching-Ta Yu, “Fast Passing over Steps with Unknown Height by a Variable Structure Type-Wheeled Robot”, National Symposium on Automatic Control, Taiwan, March 27, 2004
Chen, Hsin-Yuan*, Liu, Chun-Hung, and Ching-Ta Yu, “An Error Study on The GPS-Based Navigation”, National Symposium on Aeronautics and Astronautics, Taiwan, Dec. 12, 2004
Chen, Hsin-Yuan*, Ching-Ta Yu and Liu, Chun-Hung, “Neuro-Fuzzy Control Design with Robustness and Applications to Mobile Systems”, National Symposium on Aeronautics and Astronautics, Taiwan, Dec. 12, 2004
Chen, Hsin-Yuan* and Liu, Chun-Hung “GPS/GSM Positing System Design with Fuzzy Logic”, National Symposium on Aeronautics and Astronautics, Taiwan, Dec. 12, 2004
Invention Patents (USA/Taiwan, ROC/China):
Chun-Hung Liu*, Ze-An Ding (National Taipei University), “Shape Adjustment-based Proximity Effect Correction Method for Enhancing Throughput, Imaging Fidelity, and Contrast (基於形狀調整來提升粒子束微影生產量、製像真確度與對比度之鄰近效應校正方法及製像結構),” ROC (Taiwan) I862132, Nov. 2024
Chun-Hung Liu* (National Taipei University), “Method for Rapid Optimization of Mask Manufacturing Conditions (快速獲取光罩最佳化製造條件的方法),” ROC (Taiwan) I861769, Nov. 2024
Chun-Hung Liu, Hsiang-Yi Hsieh (National Taipei University), “利用電子散射判斷材料能量反應的方法,” ROC (Taiwan) I812427, Aug. 2023
Shih-Ming Chang, Wen Lo, Chun-Hung Liu, Chia-Hua Chang, Hsin-Wei Wu, Ta-Wei Ou, Chien-Chih Chen, Chien-Cheng Chen (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, TSMC), “Dummy Insertion for Improving Throughput of Electron Beam Lithography,” United States Patent 11,526,081, Dec. 2022
Wen Lo, Shih-Ming Chang, Chun-Hung Liu (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, TSMC), “Semiconductor Apparatus and Method of Operating the Same,” United States Patent 11,467,488, Oct. 2022
Shih-Ming Chang, Wen Lo, Chun-Hung Liu, Chia-Hua Chang, Hsin-Wei Wu, Ta-Wei Ou, Chien-Chih Chen, Chien-Cheng Chen (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, TSMC), “Method for Electron Beam Lithography and Increasing Throughput (用于电子束微影及增加生产量的方法),” China CN110941149, Mar. 2022
Shih-Ming Chang, Wen Lo, Chun-Hung Liu, Chia-Hua Chang, Hsin-Wei Wu, Ta-Wei Ou, Chien-Chih Chen, Chien-Cheng Chen (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, TSMC), “Dummy Insertion for Improving Throughput of Electron Beam Lithography,” United States Patent 11,054,748, Jul. 2021
Shih-Ming Chang, Wen Lo, Chun-Hung Liu, Chia-Hua Chang, Hsin-Wei Wu, Ta-Wei Ou, Chien-Chih Chen, Chien-Cheng Chen (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, TSMC), “Method for Electron Beam Lithography and Increasing Throughput (用於電子束微影及增加生產量的方法),” ROC(Taiwan) I712866, Dec. 2020
Kuen-Yu Tsai*, Chun-Hung Liu (National Taiwan University/Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, TSMC), “Method and System for Establishing Parametric Model (參數化模型的建立方法及系統),” ROC (Taiwan) I575392, Mar. 2017
Kuen-Yu Tsai*, Chun-Hung Liu (National Taiwan University/Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, TSMC), “Method and System for Establishing Parametric Model,” United States Patent 9,418,049, Aug. 2016
Kuen-Yu Tsai*, Chun-Hung Liu, Chooi-Wan Ng, and Pei-Lin Tien (National Taiwan University), “Method for Compensating Proximity Effect of Particle Beam Lithography Process (粒子束微影程序鄰近效應之補償方法),” ROC (Taiwan) I436174, May. 2014
Kuen-Yu Tsai*, Chun-Hung Liu, Chooi-Wan Ng, and Pei-Lin Tien (National Taiwan University), “Method for Compensating Proximity Effects of Particle Beam Lithography Processes,” United States Patent 8,539,392, Sept. 2013
Liu, C.-H., Yu, H.-Y., Tsai, K.-Y.*, "The Key to Realizing Moore's Law: Lithography Technology Impacting Over Seven Billion Futures," National Taiwan University Department of Electrical Engineering Popular Science Series, December 2013.
3-Year Project (2023/08/01 - 2026/07/31): Study on Mask Patterning Optimization and Performance Limitation for High-Numerical Aperture Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography, Principal Investigator, funded by NSTC (Project No. NSTC112-2221-E-305-011-MY3)
3-Year Project (2020/05/01 - 2023/07/31): Design of Mask Enhancement Methods for Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography, Principal Investigator, funded by MOST (Project No. MOST109-2222-E-305-002-MY3)
2024 Undergraduate Research Project: Accelerated Computational Methods for Parametric Point Spread Function in EUV Mask Imaging, Advisor, funded by NSTC (Project No. 113-2813-C-305-013-E)
2024 Undergraduate Research Project: Optimization of Curvilinear Mask Process Correction Using Segmentation and Biasing Techniques, Advisor, funded by NSTC (Project No. 113-2813-C-305-026-E)
2023 Undergraduate Research Project: Machine Learning and Curvilinear Segmentation Techniques for EUV Mask Pattern Correction, Advisor, funded by NSTC (Project No. 112-2813-C-305-049-E)
2022 Undergraduate Research Project: Automated Adjustment of Mask Process Parameters for EUV Lithography, Advisor, funded by NSTC (Project No. 111-2813-C-143-021-E)
2021 Undergraduate Research Project: Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron Scattering in Lithography Masks, Advisor, funded by NSTC (Project No. 110-2813-C-143-025-E)
Awards & Honors (Academic/Industry)
"Best Poster Award"-Excellent Work, Automation, National Science and Technology Council 2024
Teaching Excellence Award, National Taipei University, Full Semester 2023 (教學績優獎)
Excellence in English-Medium Instruction (EMI) Course Award, National Taipei University, 2023.
Outstanding Research Award, National Taipei University, for approved invention patents, 2023.
Outstanding Research Award, National Taipei University, for approved invention patents, 2022.
Excellence in English-Medium Instruction (EMI) Course Award, National Taipei University, 2022.
Second Place in Teaching Evaluation, National Taitung University, Fall Semester 2022.
Top Advisor Award, National Taitung University, 2022. (全校優良導師)
Teaching Excellence Award, National Taitung University, Spring Semester 2022 (First Place).
Selected Team at the 65th International Conference on Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication (EIPBN 2022), representing Taiwan alongside top U.S. universities like MIT, Caltech, UC Berkeley, and Stanford, New Orleans, USA, 2022.
Teaching Excellence Award, National Taitung University, Fall Semester 2021 (First Place).
Teaching Excellence Award, National Taitung University, Spring Semester 2021 (First Place).
Top 5-20% in Teaching Evaluations, National Taitung University (2018-2021), for courses such as "Mechatronic Systems," "Optoelectronic Devices," "Signals and Systems," "Control Systems," and "General Physics."
5nm Technology Development, successfully deployed at TSMC for mass production, 2019.
Advanced R&D Excellence Award, TSMC, 2018. (R&D 傑出表現獎)
Sole Paper Presenter from TSMC at the SPIE Advanced Lithography Conference, San Jose, USA, 2018 (First/Corresponding Author).
7nm Technology Development, successfully deployed at TSMC for mass production, 2017.
Best PhD Dissertation Award, National Taiwan University, 2013.
"Top 20 Most Downloaded Papers" in Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, February 2013.
National Science Foundation (NSF) Scholarship, USA, 2009.
First Place in Summer Internship R&D Competition, TSMC, 2008.
2023: Graduate student Li O-jin from National Taipei University received funding from NSTC to attend the 36th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference in Sapporo, Japan. (Advisor, Project No. NSTC-112-2922-I-305-004)
2023: Third Place at National Taitung University GIT Day – Interdisciplinary Project Competition for the project "Research on Automated Adjustment of Photomask Process Parameters and Its Application in EUV Photomask Imaging," by Ding Ze-An, Zhang Ai-Ling, Chen Yi-Hsuan, and Zhang Yong-Xiang. (Co-advisor, December 2023)
2023: Excellent Award at National Taitung University GIT Day – Interdisciplinary Project Competition for the project "Design of an Attitude Controller for Quadrotor UAVs Using Artificial Intelligence," by Wang Yu-Jian and Yeh Shun-Bin. (Co-advisor, December 2023)
2022: First Place at National Taitung University GIT Day - Interdisciplinary Project Competition for the project "Novel Parametric Point Spread Function for Low-Voltage EUV Mask Lithography," by Li Yun-jin and Lee Jie-sheng. (Advisor, December 2022)
2022: Third Place at National Taitung University GIT Day - Interdisciplinary Project Competition for the project "Altitude Control of Quadcopters Using Multi-control Strategies," by Lai Wei-lin, Shen Shang-chi, and Wu Po-cheng. (Advisor, December 2022)
2022: Graduate student Hsieh O-yi from National Taitung University received MOST funding to attend the 65th International Conference on Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication in New Orleans, USA. (Advisor, Project No. MOST-111-2922-I-143-001, May 2022)
2022: Excellence Award in the College of Science and Engineering Student Learning Achievement Competition at National Taitung University for the project "Hybrid ZN-Fuzzy PID Controller for Precision Attitude Control of Quadcopters," by Shen Shang-chi, Lai Wei-lin, and Wu Po-cheng. (Advisor, May 2022)
2022: Honorable Mention in the College of Science and Engineering Student Learning Achievement Competition at National Taitung University for the project "Novel Parametric Point Spread Function for EUV Mask Proximity Effects," by Li Yun-jin, Wang Shun-ping, and Lee Jie-sheng. (Advisor, May 2022)
2022: Honorable Mention in the College of Science and Engineering Student Learning Achievement Competition at National Taitung University for the project "Hardware and Software Development of Autonomous Vehicles for Environmental Sensing and Modeling," by Yang Min-hsiu, Cheng Rui-jun, Qiu Hao-qian, and Zhong Chao-xu. (Advisor, May 2022)
2021: Third Place at National Taitung University GIT Day - Interdisciplinary Project Competition for the project "Attitude Simulation and Dynamic Performance Study of Quadcopters with PID Controllers," by Xu Fu-zhu, Chen Ting-yu, Liang Shao-qian, and Zeng Yuan-tong. (Advisor, December 2021)
2021: Excellence Award in the College of Science and Engineering Student Learning Achievement Competition at National Taitung University for the project "Attitude Simulation and Dynamic Performance Study of Quadcopters with PID Controllers," by Xu Fu-zhu, Liang Shao-qian, Chen Ting-yu, and Zeng Yuan-tong. (Advisor, May 2021)
2021: Honorable Mention in the College of Science and Engineering Student Learning Achievement Competition at National Taitung University for the project "Study of Electron Scattering Events Using Monte Carlo Simulation for Advanced Lithography Masks," by Xu Wei-yong, Huang Fei-ming, Wu Zhi-qiang, Li Yun-jin, and Lee Jie-sheng. (Advisor, May 2021)
Service (Chairperson, Committee, Reviewer)
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD) [SCIE, IF=2.7], Reviewer
Discover Nano (Formerly Nanoscale Research Letters) [SCIE, IF=5.5], Reviewer
2025 Master’s Thesis Committee, Student: Mr. Zhao, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taipei University, Taiwan, Jan, 2025.
2024 Master’s Thesis Committee, Student: Mr. Liang, Department of Electro Optical Engineering, National United University, Taiwan, July, 2024.
2024 Master’s Thesis Committee, Student: Mr. Luo, Department of Applied Science, National Taitung University, Taiwan, June, 2024.
2024 Master’s Thesis Committee, Student: Mr. Wang, Department of Applied Science, National Taitung University, Taiwan, June, 2024.
2023 Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE) Student Paper Competition (CIE 2023) Reviewer & Examination Committee, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, June, 2023.
2023 Master’s Thesis Committee, Student: Mr. Wu, Department of Applied Science, National Taitung University, Taiwan, Jan, 2023.
2022 IET International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applications (IET ICETA 2022) Reviewer, Changhua, Taiwan, Oct. 2022.
2022 Master’s Thesis Committee, Student: Mr. Lu, Department of Applied Science, National Taitung University, Taiwan, July, 2022.
2022 Master’s Thesis Committee, Student: Ms. Su, Department of Applied Science, National Taitung University, Taiwan, July, 2022.
2022 Master’s Thesis Chairperson, Student: Mr. Hsieh, Department of Applied Science, National Taitung University, Taiwan, May, 2022.
2021 PhD’s Dissertation Committee, Student: Mr. Lee, EDA division, Graduate Institute of Electronics Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, Oct, 2021.